The meaning of the symbols of didnt seen in a dream.

Then The Second One Was At Like A Big Convention Center It Was Huge There Wasn’t Any Walls Or Anything Because It Was So Big You Couldn’t See Them And There Was A Bunch Of People I Didn’t Know There With Me And They Were All Buddy Buddy And Touching Me And It Was Uncomfortable But I Didnt Tell Them To Stop Because I Get Scared Of Telling People No But Then It Got Really Dark And We Were Still There And We Didn’t Know Where To Go Or What We Were Doing And It Was Scary And Dark And There Wasnt People There Anymore It Was Just Me And Those Weirdos Who Were Touching Me How I Didnt Like It Was Like I Didnt Have A Voice To Tell Them To Stop Then I Woke Up And Fell Back Asleep And I Woke Up At One Of Our Old Houses And Immediately I Was Scared Because That Is Actually Like My Worst Fear And So I Left The House And We Were In The Middle Of Nowhere And I Couldnt Leave Because There Was Just Feilds Everywhere And Then There Was A Truck That Came And That Was Weird So I Went Inside And Watched Out The Window And It Was These Guys I Didnt Know So I Went Into My Old Room And Just Sat In The Closet Waiting For Them To Leave But There Wasnt Anyone Else In The House Just Me And Those Guys That Were Just Bringing Random Things Into The House And Throwing Then Everywhere I Could Hear It And So I Left To Go See Who They Like Really Were And Then They Saw Me And I Woke Up Then I Fell Back Asleep And I Woke Up In A Church And There Was Like A No Touching Rule And We Were Like Mormons Or Something And I Guess We Didnt Know That And I Held Your Hand Because I Wanted To And Then We Got Caught And They Said We Werent Allowed To Be In Their Religion Anymore Because We Touched And They Like Basically Said They Were Gonna Kill Us And Me Being So Smart Knew It Was A Dream And Woke Myself Up Because I Didnt Wanna See You Die | Dream Interpretation

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